Our Team

Refeal Kubersky, Founder
Refael Kubersky, Founder

Refael has a background in foreign relations. He previously worked for the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and graduated from Georgetown's School of Foreign Service with an MS degree in international relations. Refael is passionate about migration, technology in international affairs, and the global rise of populism, among other issues. He has previously lived in Egypt, Jordan, and Italy and speaks Arabic.

Zac Kubersky, Producer
Zac Kubersky, Producer

Zac is a Brooklyn-based filmmaker and film lover currently working in archival. Since graduating with a film degree from The New School in 2019. Zac has been directing his own short films and has assisted others in short films, music videos, and most prominently documentaries.

Dean Kubersky, Producer
Dean Kubersky, Producer

Since graduating from Indiana University's Media School in May 2022, Dean has held various roles in the industry working in production and development. From working on docu-series to animated shorts, he's quickly become strong in his abilities as a producer.

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